New services to support seniors with loneliness and transition to care

19 October 2023

Two new game-changing services from EnlivenPlus – Active Respite Care and Transition into Care – aim to transform the experiences of elderly living in the Bay of Plenty region.

Enliven GM Wendy Hoskin says watching an elderly parent grow increasingly lonely or having to move a loved one into a higher level of residential care can be upsetting and often heart-wrenching. Families may want to help but are often at a loss as to what to do, especially if they work full-time or live in another city.

“Active Respite Care and Transition into Care services provide people with the right support at the right time,” she says.

“Loneliness is not only worrying, it’s associated with higher health risks such as heart disease, depression and cognitive decline”.

Active Respite Care supports our clients by providing companionship while pursuing the client’s interests and maintaining or increasing their social connections. This can include visits to cafés, the beach, parks, galleries, and places like the library together, or if the client prefers, just sitting and chatting, playing a game or reading the paper while allowing the primary carer to have time to themselves.

Giving people something to look forward to every week can be life-changing.

“Our Transition into Care service was developed after our clients’ families told us that moving someone into a higher level of supported living or into residential care is often terribly upsetting for everyone involved.”

Hoskin says research shows a managed transition to care can be very successful and less stressful for the person going into care, the primary care partner and the family.

“We have specialist Living Well Support workers who take the time to gradually acclimatise someone to moving into a new environment. This can make a world of difference.

“On the day of the move, which can be the most difficult for families, we take the client to their new residence, help them move in and ensure they are settled,” she says.

A Tauranga family used the EnlivenPlus’ Transition into Care service to move their mum, who was diagnosed with dementia some time earlier, from an independent apartment in a retirement village to a care suite in a care home. They found the service invaluable.

“We couldn’t believe how well the move went. Without you, we wouldn’t have known how to approach this with Mum. It was great that you also liaised with the care home staff on how to help Mum settle. We couldn’t have done it without you,” her son says.

About EnlivenPlus

EnlivenPlus primarily offers specialised support for people with dementia that enables them to remain engaged, happy, healthy and connected to their family, whanau, friends and community, while also providing respite to family and whānau that are caring for the person.

EnlivenPlus also provides services that support those with or without dementia to transition to care in a planned and gentle manner. Our in-home respite is also available to those without dementia and provides much-needed breaks for the primary caregiver, whilst providing engaging care for the client. EnlivenPlus philosophy is to provide the highest levels of care and support from people who truly understand the challenges that can come with ageing and particularly, dementia and its complexity.

EnlivenPlus is a service provided by Enliven, the health and disability arm of Presbyterian Support Northern.

For further information, contact:

Chrissy Hamilton, PSN External Communications Adviser

Phone: 021 734 382


To find out more about these new services, contact:

Phone: 021 229 0841


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