Gift in Will


Creating a better life for generations to come

Leaving a gift in your will creates a lasting impact. It’s also a personal way to make sure your values and beliefs live on to benefit others. Your gift (or bequest) will help create stronger communities and provide ways to make a better life for everyone. Anyone can leave a bequest and whatever the size of your gift, it will make a positive difference.

If you’d like to discuss leaving a bequest or would like more information, please contact Vivienne Riddell 09 520 8628 or 021 329 938 or email

Enquiries will be treated in confidence. 

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What type of Gift in a Will or Bequest can I make?

A Gift in your Will or bequest can be made in a number of ways, for example:

  • Percentage: a specified percentage of your estate.
  • Residual: a gift from the remainder of your estate, after providing for your loved ones and settling any taxes and charges.   
  • Whole estate: an entire estate is usually left by someone without beneficiaries or who wants to achieve something very significant.
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Donate in Memory of a loved one

Donation in memory is a special way of honouring the life of a loved one while extending a supportive hand to others.

Many families find comfort in choosing Presbyterian Support Northern as the beneficiary of donations in lieu of flowers.

Discuss with the funeral director if you want to provide for donations to be made at the funeral service. Alternatively people may choose to make a donation direct to Presbyterian Support Northern.


Our bank details are:

Account: Presbyterian Support Northern

Bank account number: 06 0101 007933 18


How your gift helps

Your bequest could be used long into the future for:

  • counselling for children affected by family violence
  • social work support to help families through tough times
  • parenting programmes for mums and dads
  • budgeting advice so people can manage their own finances.

Bequests “for general purposes” allow us to use gifts where most needed, but you can specify an area of our work that is of special interest to you if you wish.

For executors and solicitors

If you are helping someone prepare a will or add to their existing will, please use this wording or similar:

“I give to Presbyterian Support Northern the sum of $XXX (or the residue of my estate, or a percentage of my estate or the whole of my estate) for its general purposes. I declare that the official receipt of Presbyterian Support Northern will be sufficient receipt and discharge for my trustees.”

Our Charities Commission number is CC21532

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