Individualised Funding

Grandma & grandson laughing watching phone

What is Individualised Funding?

Individualised Funding is a way of managing the payment of government-funded disability support services. Your needs will be assessed by your NASC, and you will be allocated support to meet your needs. This is translated into an annual budget, which allows you to organise your disability support funds in a flexible way that works best for you. 

Individualised Funding allows disabled people, or their agents, to choose and employ the support workers they want to provide: personal care, household management respite care and support that allows them to be involved in their community.

They can support you will all aspects of managing your personal budgets for personal cares, household management and respite care. Enliven supports with a support plan, budgeting, employment documentation and comprehensive wages service.

Individualised Funding covers:

Personal care support

Personal care support

Including exercises.

Support for household tasks

Support for household tasks

Including shopping.

Community involvement

Community involvement

Respite care

Respite care

Individualised Funding allows you to v2

Individualised Funding allows you to:

  • Choose your own IF host provider 
  • Choose and employ your own support staff 
  • Manage payment and other employment aspects for your staff 
  • Organise the service at times that suit you 
  • Manage how your disability support is delivered 
  • Choose the rate of pay (within your budget)

For further information please contact the IF team on 0800 433 654 836.

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How do I get Individualised Funding?

  • Contact your local Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination (NASC) to organise an assessment.
  • Your NASC Service will make a service request to the host provider chosen by you, such as Enliven.
  • The host provider will contact you and organise a time to meet with you to discuss your IF allocation and to explain how we can support you.
  • Enliven works with you and/or your agent to make sure you get the best possible outcomes.
  • You will be allocated a personal budget, and we will help you to work out a plan to make the best use of your support allocation.

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