Home Based Support

Do you need help to remain in your own home 1

What is home-based support?

When you’re living with disability or injury, or just getting older, everyday life can be challenging. We provide high-quality home support services that meet your unique needs and goals, and support you to live independently in your own home.

How Enliven home-based services can support you

In-home support

In-home support

Including personal care, household management and social connection.

Respite care

Respite care

Long-term support for chronic conditions

Long-term support for chronic conditions

Support for people recovering from injury

Support for people recovering from injury

Transition services

Transition services

For people returning home from hospital or rest home.

where to start 1

Referral to Enliven

You can contact us directly, but usually a referral is sent to Enliven by a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Team (NASC). They will have visited you either at home, or in hospital to assess your needs.

The Needs Assessment Service is called different names in different places, eg, NASC, Disability Support Link (DSL), Taikura Trust and Support Net.

Once Enliven receives your referral, we will assign a staff member who will contact you to arrange a time to visit.

Support plan 1

Planning your support

Together, we will create a support plan for you that includes your goals and takes-into-account your physical, cultural, spiritual and social needs. We will review your plan regularly to see if it is still relevant to your needs.

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At Enliven, we aspire to make a positive impact on individuals and communities.

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